Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday! Zulu Church service

Sunday, I (Jessica) awoke to sore throat, congestion, and cough.  So disappointing since I was supposed to help lead worship at church that day.  I tried to sing a bit, but not much was happening.  I was upset because I would be letting our team down. Word gets around that I can't sing and on the bus ride over to the church, our team stops to pray- yesterday Alfons and Yvonne reminded us of the power of prayer and the team decided we needed to pray for the service we were about to participate it.

The church is the most meager of buildings- unfortunately we didn't get a picture of it- I'm hoping someone on our team will send us one of their pictures.  We drove on a very steep, windy road past homes that are basically shacks.  The church building is a one room cinderblock construction with a concrete floor about 15 ft X 20 ft.  There were windows and possibly electricity, but I'm not sure.  No pews, just plastic lawn chairs for seating.  The women sat on the left, and the few men in attendance and children were on the right.

As soon as we arrived, they began to sing- and boy do they sing!!! It was amazing to see how they belted out their praises to God.  They sang a chorus in English, and then they would sing it in Zulu.  Mostly sang chorus, and everyone joined in and danced and raised their hands- crying out, shouting their praises.  It was amazing to see that these people have nothing, yet they praise so freely.  We sang for quite a long time- not exactly sure how long maybe 45 minutes.

One member of our team was asked right before the service started to give a children's message.  She did an amazing job sharing the story of Daniel in the lion's den.  Then it was time for our music- Russ and I went up to the front, and just prayed inwardly that God would use whatever happened for good.  We told them that we had a new song to teach them but we needed their help to sing it.  We taught the chorus to them, phrase by phrase.  My voice was there- barely, but enough to teach them the chorus to two songs.  By the end they were joining in with us singing.  A team member gave a stirring testimony that hit home with several members of the congregation.  One lady gave her life to Christ during the service and everyone rejoiced with her.

As the service was drawing to a close, the congregation made a huge circle and went around singing and greeting every single person, with a handshake or a hug.  We moved outside and talked with them for about an hour before we had to leave for lunch.  Russell was playing "football" with a bunch of boys and I stayed around a group of teenage girls.  It took a while, but I was able to get them to talk with me.  They asked how old I was and couldn't believe I was that old- they thought I was much younger.  They asked how long Russ and I were married and when I told them 5 years- they couldn't believe it- you would have though I had said 50 by their reaction.

We met a young boy named Magnificent.  Magnificent is 16 years old and became a believer last year.  He has such a spark and a joy in his life that radiates from him.  He leads the youth choir and has become an example to his community.

That morning was a service we will never forget- I hope to be so uninhibited in my worship like the Zulu people in Murchison.

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